Tuesday, November 26, 2019


More than a translation, comparative law

A "normal" translation already means not just translating word for word. Very often, expressions only translate into an equivalent idea. Sometimes you even have to go through a slightly different concept, but it will have the same meaning.
This is also true in the field of law, but the obligation to transcribe the legal concept in force in the jurisdiction of the source language must be added to that of the legal system of the target language. Only a quality translator can do this work. It must be not only experienced, but also be able to use legal research tools when the need arises. Lexling has in its network this type of valuable translator for legal translations, some even being a lawyer in their country. In addition to this, the founding staff of our translation agency has a legal background in business law (M2, LL. M), ensuring our legal and legal clients have a perfect understanding of their issues. So don't hesitate to use our legal translation service.

A technical vocabulary specific to the law

What would the professions of law be without their sharp and technical vocabulary that it is imperative to respect and perfectly transcribe? This condition is in line with the transcription of the legal concepts we mentioned above. Whether it is a legal translation into Chinese,English, French, Russian, German etc., the vocabulary used in the source language must find its perfect correspondence in the language target.
A bad translator will translate a legal term into a common language word... But a good legal translator will find the exact equivalence in the language of arrival. Imagine the impact this will have on the quality and security of your contract, and the trust your client will have in you and your law firm or your business

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